Application & Registration Fees

  • Application Fee $50

  • Registration Fee $150

  • Assessment Fee $50

Embassy Academy
Application for Admission

Mission Statement

The purpose of Embassy Academy is to provide students a quality education from a Biblical world-view and to promote the development of their God-given gifts, so they may impact their community and the world with the Gospel, as they represent Christ as His ambassadors!

“Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent],
and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Embassy Academy
Statement of Faith

  • Embassy Academy is a non-denominational school where Christians of different denominational backgrounds are respected and viewed as “one family” of God and as brothers and sisters through Christ.

  • We believe the Bible is inspired by God, without error and the authority on which we base our faith, conduct, and doctrine. (2 Tim. 3:16)

  • We believe in one God who exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Gen. 1:26, John 1:1, 2 Cor. 13:14)

  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to earth to be mankind’s Savior. We believe He was sinless and that He died on the cross and shed blood as sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. We believe God rose Jesus from the dead. We believe salvation is a gift from God by His grace and not of our works, found by personally receiving Jesus as one’s Savior. (John 3:16, 2 Cor. 5:21)

  • We believe the act of water baptism is a testimony of our faith in the Lord Jesus. It symbolizes Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Just as He was raised to new life, so are we. (Rom. 6:3)

  • We believe in taking communion as an act of remembering what Jesus did for us on the cross. (I Cor. 11:24-25)

  • We believe that we should grow in our relationship with Jesus by obeying God’s Word and by yielding to the Holy Spirit given to each believer. (Acts 2:38) (Rom. 12:2) (Rom. 8:29)

  • We believe we are called to be Christ’s ambassadors and that it is our greatest responsibility and fulfillment of purpose

    to love God and love our neighbors, by sharing the message of the Gospel with others. (Matt.28:19)

I/we, agree to the above & following policies:
Parental Support

  • I understand that the basic tenet of the Christian philosophy of education is the discipleship of young people based on the Word of God; that the purpose of Embassy Academy is to provide quality education for children in a Christian setting as an extension of the training they receive at home; and, that the school and home work closely together.

  • I agree to support the school with my prayers and a positive attitude. I will share complaints or negative comments only with the teacher, administrator, or person involved and not with my child or other people, according to principles in Matthew 18:15.

  • I agree to help further the development by donating time and expertise whenever possible.


  • Students must have acceptable conduct and a cooperative attitude to attend Embassy Academy.

  • I agree to uphold the academic standards of the school by providing a place for my child to study and by giving encouragement in the completion of homework and assignments.

  • I agree with the standards of conduct and discipline, and I grant authority to the teacher and administration to discipline my child as necessary. Any disciplinary action is to be reported to me so that I can cooperate with the teacher to help insure that the discipline is effective in the life of my child.

  • I understand that my failure to inform the administration of any of the following may be cause for immediate dismissal: student’s psychiatric counseling, involvement with the law or juvenile authorities, any prescribed program of behavior-controlling medication, pregnancy or marriage.

  • I understand that my failure to have informed the administrations of any of the following may be cause for immediate dismissal: student’s activity with drinking, tobacco; illegal drugs; sexual activity; suspension from school; expulsion from school or denial of admission to a school.

  • I understand that my failure to personally support the school as outlined above may limit my child’s right to enrollment or reenrollment.


  • I understand my financial responsibilities to the school and that tuition may be prepaid in full with a 5% discount for early payment. Unless paying in advance, all tuition payments must be paid each month by credit or debit card as an auto-draft and received by the academy no later than the first of each month. Payment will be processed on the 26th each month prior to the month of Tuition being paid, in order for the payment to be received by the academy’s bank by the 1st: (10) equal payments in all for August thru May. This automation allows for the academy to manage our outgoing financial responsibilities with good stewardship. A (12) month payment program is available for those desiring to make a smaller monthly payment June thru May.

  • Hiring of staff is based on the number of students who have registered prior to the beginning of the school year. In order to provide the correct student to teacher ratio, it is necessary to have an accurate count for our determination in hiring staff.

  • We expect each family to make a commitment for their child to attend the Academy for the full academic year, with the exception of family circumstances which are out of your control. In the rare case of your needing to withdraw prior to the completion of the year, we will not fine you for early withdrawal or require any further expenses.

  • Our desire is to help you & your family in every way possible. If you have an unexpected financial hardship which could affect your timely payment, please kindly communicate with Pastor Ray, Embassy Academy’s Principal & Business Director.. Our billing software is set-up to attempt the processing of your auto-draft tuition payment up to 3x. Please make sure to update your billing profile if you change checking accounts, have new cards issued with different expiration dates, etc... New cards with the same card# will have a new CVV code. Please keep a watchful eye to ensure your payment is processed as scheduled. If your payment method does not successfully process after a 3rd attempt, the academy reserves the right to charge a $30 fee for a NSF payment rejection. If an account becomes outstanding for (10) or more days, the academy reserves the right to assess a $25 late fee to that account. If tuition becomes 30 days late, the academy reserves the right to suspend the student's academic and extracurricular activities until the billing is brought current.

  • I understand that report cards, test scores and transcripts are not released if account is not current.

  • I understand that assessments will be charged to cover damages to the school, including breakage of windows and abuse of other personal property if due to negligence or disobedience.

  • I understand that application fees, testing fees, curriculum fees and tuition payments are non-refundable.

  • I agree to pay the balance of my account before requesting transcripts or diplomas to be released.

This application must be completed in its entirety for all students seeking admission to Embassy Academy. It should be returned electronically prior to meeting our faculty for the admissions process. Once received, we will contact your family by phone to arrange a meeting in person at the academy for a family interview.  We require at least one guardian and each prospective student to meet with the principal and/or a director prior to being formally accepted into the academy.  We will enjoy a 30-minute meeting to get acquainted with your family, go over any questions & answers, and ask your child in their own words to share with us why they would like to be a student at Embassy Academy.  This is an easy-going interview/conversation to remind each student of the sacrifice their parents are making, allowing for them to receive a private, Christian education.  It's necessary for the student to desire to attend the academy and to commit to being their very best to honor God, their parents, their educators and their peers at the academy.  We will end our meeting with a prayer together.

I/We will pledge ourselves to work with staff, administration and faculty within these statements to the betterment of our student, and to assist and cooperate with the school in the Christian education of my/our child. I understand that the enclosed registration fee is non-refundable. I further understand and acknowledge that continued enrollment of my/our child, if admitted to the school, shall be subject to the payment of all tuition and fees as set forth on the schedule of tuition and fees and periodically amended by Embassy Academy and my/our child’s compliance with the code of conduct and policies established by Embassy Academy.


Embassy Academy
24862 US Hwy 59 North,
Porter/ Kingwood, TX 77365
(281) 354-7200