“…But lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth not rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”                                                                                                                               Matthew 6:20-21 (NKJV)

There are (6) Primary Ways to Donate to Embassy Academy:

  1. Student Grant Towards Registration & Annual Curriculum Fees

  2. Partial “GAP” Monthly Tuition Fees For A Family Who Could Not Otherwise Attend Embassy Academy

  3. Full Monthly Tuition Scholarship

  4. Funding of a department: Science, Music, Technology, The Arts, PE, etc…

  5. Building Maintenance / Classroom Improvements / New Classrooms

  6. Donation of Stock, Real Estate, Automobile, or other assets




Over the years we have been able to say YES to families in need who were already enrolled in the academy & YES to others who needed a sponsor to be able to attend Embassy Academy.

Because of generosity of faithful donors like you, when one of our students’ father passed away suddenly, we were able to provide a grant which allowed one of the girls in our school to continue her education at a reduced rate.

When a parent of one of our students became a victim of crime & suddenly lost their life, we were able to allow his little girl to attend the academy at no cost for the remaining 9 months of the school year.

When one of our student’s mother had a life threatening illness which required emergency surgery and seeming endless medical assistance following, Embassy Academy ensured the family that their child would not be forced to return to public school when they were unable to pay their monthly Tuition.

When one mother and father approached us in tears due to the danger in the public school system where their children were enrolled, we prayed and declared that God would somehow come through - and He did - through a family who’s son graduated from our academy. The family who saw their son’s life impacted by Embassy Academy a few years prior, wanted to invest in a child who was being rescued from a dangerous setting, thereby transferring this new student into a safe environment where they can thrive academically, spiritually & socially. This alumni family sponsored the new student enabling them to attend our academy.


Click Here To Make A Tax Deductible Donation - Help Us Help Families In Need!!